My Favourite Bullet Journal Collections

If you’ve been following my bullet journal series, you’ll know that I love a collection or two! Today I wanted to share 5 of my personal favourites with you, to maybe inspire you and give you some ideas for your own bullet journal.

Reading List 

I’ve been making such an effort to read more in the last few months. I think it’s so good for everyone and I think you only really come out the other side a better person. #Deep. My reading list has become my most used collection in my bullet journal, which somewhat surprised me. So much I’ve actually filled it up! The next thing on my to-do list is to draw a new one!

At first, I wanted to draw a really nice bookshelf with lots of books on there and fill it up gradually, but I chose not to do this for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, I wasn’t confident in my ability to draw a bookshelf that matched the one I had in my head. Secondly, I was worried about how much space I’d have to write the title and author of each book in that layout. Plus, I’d already bought some really pretty looking book stickers online and wanted to use them.

So I stuck with a natural list format, with a sticker and header. That’s it, and it’s worked perfectly! I am so happy with the outcome and it’s made reading fun again! I’ve actually started taking myself on regular trips to Waterstones (isn’t it just the best place ever) to buy a few books at a time. I’m colouring in the books that I’ve read with my Tombow pens as and when I finish them. I think by the time I’ve read the whole page it’s going to look so pretty.

Watch List

Aesthetically this isn’t my favourite collection in my bullet journal, but it has helped me keep track of everything I’m watching (bar Love Island and Big Brother - they’re now a steady part of my daily routine. Don’t judge). People at work are always mentioning show that I should watch, and I’m always stumbling across things on Netflix that I want to dive into. But so often I might watch a few episodes and then something happens and then I don’t watch it for ages and it gets blurry. This collection is a bit all over the place, but I have the name of the show or film, and then a square for each episode. I find that this does actually work quite well, however, I am actively seeking out a better way to draw this. I don’t know whether I’ll wait until I’ve filled it up, or just start from scratch further on in my journal. Haven’t decided. But I do love tracking what I’m watching! If you have any suggestions/recommendations about a TV/Film collection please drop me a tweet @rawrrbecca!


Another one of my favourite collections is my wishlist. This one is high up on my faves for aesthetic reasons. I drew this page very early on in my journal, and it was around the time I started to find my bullet journal style. I love the way I’ve stamped the heading (yes this was back when I could be bothered with stamps), and the dots, plus washi tape. I love the way it’s so simplistic. I’m keeping this wishlist for bigger, more expensive things. So like, I wouldn’t put a new mascara on here if I wanted one, this is for things I have to save up for. Long term wants!

Blogger Chats

I don’t know about you, but I love taking part in blogger chats at the moment. I feel like they’re a great way to engage with the community and also, I feel like there’s so much useful advice that can be gathered from chats! I’m terrible at remembering when chats are though, so I made this double spread in my journal to keep track of chats I’m interested in. Obvs, I can’t join in all of them every day, but it means in the evening if I’ve got some spare time I’ll flick to this page and see what’s happening. I’ve got plenty of room to add in more chats as I find out about them too. Any chats you think I should have on here? Let me know!

Washi Tape 

My final collection I love is my washi tape collection! I’ve started to calm down a bit now, but when I first started out I couldn’t help myself and bought so many tapes from Etsy. Did you see my favourite washi tape stores the other day? I created this page because quite frankly, the tape is so pretty I wanted to display somewhere. This is my first completed page, and I’m currently working on another one, which I’m sure will pop up on my Instagram soon. It’s actually been a really good way of seeing how tapes work with each other, but also to see how they actually appear in my journal. Some are more transparent than others. To be honest, this collection is just an excuse to have pretty pages throughout my journal any buy more tape! Ha!

These are my 5 favourite collections in my bullet journal at the moment. I am currently working on some more so it will be interesting to see if I change my mind about any! If you have a bullet journal, how often do you find yourself flicking back to old collections? Do you copy them over into new journals as you fill old ones up? I would love to know!

If you enjoyed this post be sure to check out my other bullet journal posts for some insight and inspo.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog today,

Much Love